Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “centiq”
How Dev and Ops can collaborate more effectively using Infra as Code
Another Centiq customer event - this time I was talking about several internal and customer projects where we’d used Infrastructure as Code principles and practices to drastically improve productivity (changes and stability) for teams. I also introduced our new SAP on Azure Platform Engineering capabilities.
Infrastructure as Code
Note: This article originally appeared on the Centiq Blog and on my LinkedIn the following day.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a term used to describe a collection of practices for managing IT resources via programmable interfaces, allowing infrastructure to be defined in code, rather than created through a series of human activity. Typically, infrastructure resources might include various types of network, storage, and compute components, alongside resources relating to identity and permissions.
SAP on Azure: Delivering Reliable and Recoverable SAP Landscapes using Agile and Infrastructure as Code Practices
I represented Microsoft Azure at this SAP customer and partner event, describing some of the many capabilities my Engineering Team at Centiq built in collaboration with Thames Water’s Cloud Team.
Options and Challenges with Clustering SAP HANA on Azure
Robin Webster and I co-presented this talk on why we clustered SAP HANA in Azure with IaC.
Snowflake Servers
Note: The following is an extract of the transcript from an interview I gave in 2018, after my talk at the Centiq Experts Forum that year. It’s also published on the Centiq blog and more recently reproduced on my LinkedIn. Photo by Marc Newberry on Unsplash.
What are snowflake servers and why does this happen?
This is a term that comes from the Visible Ops Handbook (you can read more about it on Martin Fowler’s blog) – and essentially it’s the problem where, over time, the processes around your IT infrastructure become inconsistent. So, the reasons that choices were made becomes lost as different people manage different systems — and trying to keep them alive becomes a real manual, and therefore error-prone, process.
Process Automation: Bringing a DevOps Mindset to Enterprise IT
A rerun of the talk given the month before at the northern leg of Centiq’s annual customer event.
Process Automation: Bringing a DevOps Mindset to Enterprise IT
A Centiq customer event where I talked about some of the challenges in enterprise IT and how introducing DevOps prinicples and practices can solve them.
The World of DevOps (and how we all play a part)
Presentation delivered as part of my Centiq interview that described my background, experience, and several examples of where I’d used my experience of DevOps thinking to add business value in previous organizations.